Smart Women’s Guide – Avoid Outliving Your Retirement Savings!

Did you know … women are almost twice as likely as men to live below poverty during retirement?
• This is only compounded for women who are single, divorced or widowed.

Did you know … 80% of nursing home residents are women?
• A private room in a nursing home can cost as much as $81,000 per year.

Did you know … 39% of retirees are leaving retirement to return to work?
• Do you want to be forced back to work at the age of 70 or 80 or 90?

Don’t risk YOUR financial well-being. GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST will take the time necessary to learn who you are and what is important to you. Then together, with YOU, will develop a retirement plan to allow you the most successful retirement possible.

Contact Global Financial Trust to receive your free Smart Women's Guide

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Don’t become a Retirement statistic!

Did you know … 39% of retirees are leaving retirement to return to work?
• Do you want to be forced back to work at the age of 70 or 80 or 90?

Did you know … 25% of all people will live to be 90 years old, 17% of women will live to be age 100?
• That means you may spend 25-35 years in retirement.

Did you know … if you retire at age 65 the cost of living will have doubled at age 85 and will have tripled by the age of 95?
• Cost of living and taxation must be factored into your retirement plan.

GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST, together with YOU, will develop a personalized, comprehensive and actionable plan to allow you the most successful retirement possible. It’s never too early to plan for your retirement…but it can be too late.

Contact GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST today for your
no-obligation retirement income consultation.

Contact GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST today for your no-obligation retirement income consultation.

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Don’t gamble with your Social Security benefits…statistically you will lose!

Did you know … $10 billion dollars annually go unclaimed in Social Security Retirement benefits?
• 90% of social security recipients receive less money than they are entitled to.

Did you know … the Social Security handbook has nearly 2,800 rules?
• And there are tens of thousands of explanations of those rules in the Program Operating Manual System.

Did you know … potential claimants can’t rely on the Social Security Administration?
• By law, SSA employees are NOT allowed to give advice.

Don’t take chances with your Social Security retirement benefit. At GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST we look forward to assisting you with this complicated and extremely important step towards your best retirement.

Contact GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST today for your
custom Social Security Retirement Benefit report.

Contact GLOBAL FINANCIAL TRUST today for your no-obligation retirement income consultation.

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